Selasa, 23 November 2010

[WARNING] Apple Has Put a Baseband Requirement on iOS 4.2.1

Apple has release iOS 4.2.1, but not alone, it has merged some traps with this version for jailbreakers and unlockers with the introduction of a baseband requirement for iOS 4.2.1. Precisely, if you are using Saurik’s server or tiny umbrella and trying to restore 4.2.1 on an iPhone 4, you will end up in recovery mode and tiny umbrella will not be able to pull you out of recovery.

It seems that Apple has decided to put a baseband requirement on iOS. So at this point, if you are using Saurik’s server or tiny umbrella and trying to restore 4.2.1 on an iPhone 4, you will end up in recovery mode and tiny umbrella will not be able to pull you out of recovery. In this case, you will have to restore 4.1 again or you will have to restore 4.2.1 stock and be tether jailbroken. . If you are an unlocker, this is a no brainer. Do not update to 4.2.1 even to test it at this point.
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TheBigBoss: It seems that Apple has decided to put a baseband requirement on iOS. So at this point, if you are using Saurik’s server or tiny umbrella and trying to restore 4.2.1 on an iPhone 4, you will end up in recovery mode and tiny umbrella will not be able to pull you out of recovery. In this case, you will have to restore 4.1 again or you will have to restore 4.2.1 stock and be tether jailbroken. (Of course, I recommend 4.1 and not bothering with 4.2.1 at all). If you are an unlocker, this is a no brainier. Do not update to 4.2.1 even to test it at this point.

A few hours ago the Dev Team released a public version of redsn0w (version 0.9.6b4) which can jailbreak iOS 4.2.1 on all devices and install a working Cydia, also on the iPad. As we wrote last night, though, this one’s a first jailbreak for iOS 4.2.1, and it’s a tethered one.

This means that unless you have an older device (iPhone3G, older iPhone3GS, and non-MC iPod touch 2G) you’ll be forced to manually boot in a “jailbroken state” on every device reboot using redsn0w on your computer. And considering that many jailbreak tweaks force you to reboot your device, you can guess a tethered jailbreak it’s a real pain to deal with.
To sum up, here’s the list of devices and different boot methods:
  • iPhone 3G – unthetered
  • iPhone 3Gs old iBoot – unthetered
  • iPod Touch 2G MB – unthetered
  • iPhone 3Gs new iBoot – tethered
  • iPhone 4 – tethered
  • iPod Touch 2G MC – tethered
  • iPod Touch 3G – tethered
  • iPod touch 4G – tethered
  • iPad – tethered

Developer chpwn himself (well known in the Cydia development scene) suggests waiting for “the upcoming correct jailbreak” which by the way will also need you to restore your device. From a quick search on Twitter and basing on the reader emails we got last night, it looks like Cydia is working on the iPad — but a very few tweaks and apps have been updated to work properly on iOS 4.2.1. Another reason why you should wait for the “real thing”, the untethered jailbreak.

If you, however, want to go ahead and jailbreak, just go download redsn0w and follow the instructions. You’re welcome to report back in the comments about the Cydia apps working correctly on iOS 4.2.1.
So we highly recommend to stay on iOS 4.1 and wait until the situation became stable, specially who want preserve their unlock.

TEST RESULT by darksman

``Hello did the test U will not be able to exit recovery mode nor with rec boot nor with tiny umbrella iphone 4 macbook pro i5

cheers ``


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