Selasa, 30 November 2010

HOW TO: Temporary Fix Battery Drain & iPhone overheat After Installing Ultrasn0w On Baseband 6.15

iPhone battery HOW TO: Temporary Fix Battery Drain After Installing Ultrasn0w On Baseband 6.15

If you are experiencing battery drain after installing ultrasn0w on baseband 6.15, here is a note from sherif hashim on the issue:

On a very important side note, before anyone starts to complain about battery drainage issues after installing the new ultrasn0w on the 6.15.00 updated BB, the culprit here is not ultrasn0w, it’s the hacktivation process (activating the phone by pwnage tool or redsn0w rather than using an official carrier sim to do so) that u mostly did while jailbreaking.

The 4.1 and 4.2.1 ipsws unlike their old ancestors, seem to keep looking for valid push certificates all the time, either thru your wifi, or thru your cellular data network (which u only have after installing ultrasn0w and hence u accuse it) , this can be seen clearly if u have a cellular working data plan for 3g or edge and you watched the settings > general > usage > cellular network data (sent & received are continuously increasing even without using any internet traffics on the phone) , this will also render the phone going hot even in stand by mode and also very rapid battery drainage occurs plus consuming ur data if you were not on an unlimited plan.

So to resolve this, you either:
A) try to activate the phone using the official sim if u have it (even if the sim itself is old and not working) , or borrow it from a friend if it’s possible, by any means, try to have an access to one and use it

B) if A is not feasible, u can install SBsettings from featured cydia packages and turn wifi and data off when u r not using it (shuts down both 3g and edge) , till C is done

C) there is a very nice module being worked on by a trusted jailbreak app dev, namely @sbingner, which will resolve that issue for those having it, the details of which shouldn’t be disclosed until he finishes his awesome work, till then, either use A or B to resolve the issue if it exists for you
sorry for the long post and thanks for your attention

How to Use AirPrint with Any Printer

With iOS 4.2.1, Apple introduced the brilliant AirPrint. Unfortunately, you need to spend money on a few specific printer models if you want to enjoy AirPrint. Not anymore, thanks to a very simple hack that lets you use AirPrint on any printer, including printers that are not even wifi capabale.
If you’re on a Mac, you can use the hack called AirPrint Hacktivator, which like its name suggests, will enable printing via AirPrint in a matter of seconds…
1. Download the latest version of AirPrint Hacktivator
2. Unzip the AirPrint Hacktivator to your desktop or Applications folder, then run it
3. Slide the toggle switch in the app to ON, then enter your administrator password when prompted
4. Click OK to confirm
5. Now, go to System Preferences -> Print & Fax
6. Click the minus symbol to remove your printer, then add it back and check the box share it on your network (see video below for instructions)

Nice hack, isn’t it?

Senin, 29 November 2010

HOW TO: Create A Custom Firmware and Jailbreak An iPhone 4 Running On iOS 4.2.1 Using An Unofficial PwngeTool Bundle

As always, we don’t recommend you to use unofficial bundles. You should wait on the iPhone DevTeam to drop an official tool. Here’s the story: this is not just a random bundle found on the internet. We made this bundle with our own two hands – and we used them to pull out all of our hair.
It’s still a tethered jailbreak, and you will need a way to boot into the jailbreaking kernel – redsn0w will not help you in this case.
NOTE: if you don’t like to mess with your iPhone – and even if you do – we don’t recommend you to use this bundle. We are not aware all ALL its bugs, so anything could go wrong at any time. We are not responsible for your mess-up. Wait on the iPhone DevTeam to drop an official release.
HOW TO Create A Custom Firmware:
1. Download everything on your desktop and extract archives
2. Right click on and ‘Show Package Contents’
3. Browse to Contents>Resources>Firmware Bundles> and copy the iOS 4.2.1 bundle you downloaded
4. Now close the window, load PwnageTool and create your custom firmware ( MAKE SURE you install OpenSSH in the process )
5. Once you have the custom firmware , load iTunes and click alt+restore ( hold the alt/option key and click on restore )
6. Browse for the custom firmware, select it, and wait for your iPhone to be restored
7. That’s it. Now you have a jailbroken iPhone 4 running on iOS 4.2.1 – except your iPhone won’t boot in the jailbreaking kernel and now the fun begins…
HOW TO Boot Into The Jailbreaking Kernel:
1. Download and install MacPorts
2. Install libUSB. Open terminal
sudo port install libusb
3. Duplicate your custom firmware and create a folder on your desktop called ‘ Tethereboot’ ( or whatever you want to call it – doesn’t matter )
4. Download the Thetherboot utility and put it in the Tethereboot folder
5. Take the duplicate custom firmware, change the extension from .ipsw to .zip and unarchive
6. Inside there’s two files that you need:
  • iBSS.n90ap.RELEASE.dfu
  • kernelcache.release.n90
Take them out and put them in the Tetherboot folder along side the tethereboot utility you just downloaded
tetheredboot HOW TO: Jailbreak An iPhone 4 Running On iOS 4.2.1 Using An Unofficial PwngeTool Bundle
7. Open Terminal , put your iPhone in DFU mode and type:
cd /User/Desktop/Tetherboot/
./tetheredboot iBSS.n90ap.RELEASE.dfu kernelcache.release.n90
tetheredboot 2 HOW TO: Jailbreak An iPhone 4 Running On iOS 4.2.1 Using An Unofficial PwngeTool Bundle
8. Ok, that’s it. Your iPhone will boot into the jailbreaking kernel.
9. Now you will have to SSH in and add Cydia by following this tutorial.
NOTE: again, if you don’t know what you’re doing DON’T DO THIS. Wait for the iPhone DevTeam to drop an official release
Massive thanks to hedsick

3Gs stuck after Redsnow here is solution.

3Gs stuck after Redsnow in aple logo. No problem just restore it with os 4.1 via itunes and jailbreak with redsow os 4.2.1 then your iphone version become 4.1 and baseband 6.15.00 after cydia source add when done install reboot your iphone all done now your iphone is unlocked , do not forget to check on INSTALL CYDIA good luckand INSTALL IPAD BASEBAND in Redsn0w 0.9.6b5 good luck

by tsm2318

Dev-Team Releases Unofficial PwnageTool Bundle for iPhone 3GS

Update #3:  For those Mac users with an old-bootrom 3GS who really know what they’re doing, here’s a minimal 3GS 4.2.1 bundle that will get you to 4.2.1 without updating your baseband.  Be sure to uncheck “Activate the iPhone” using Expert mode.  To actually jailbreak after you’ve restored with the help of that bundle, please use redsn0w.  If you don’t know how to drop a bundle into, please hold off on 4.2.1 until it’s untethered for everyone
Posted here

How to add Firmware Bundle to PwnageTool

Before I tell you some instructions on how to add a firmware bundle to will have to add the unofficial iPhone Dev-Team bundle that will let you to create a custom ipsw for the old bootrom iPhone 3GS that won't update your baseband when upgrading to iOS 4.2.1.

Here's some easy steps just follow me :

STEP 1 : First create a folder on your desktop called "Pwnage" then download Pwnagetool 4.1.3 from here into the folder after downloading You will also need to get the minimal iPhone 3GS bundle from here. Double click to extract it to the Pwnage folder.

 STEP 2 : after that double click to mount PwnageTool then drag the PwnageTool icon into the Pwnage folder.

 STEP 3 : Then right click to extract pwnagetool app after that choose show package contents from the menu that apper.

STEP 4 : Then navigate to Contents/Resources/FirmwareBundles/

STEP 5 : After that copy and paste the iPhone2,1_4.2.1_8C148a.bundle from the Pwnage folder on your desktop into the FirmwareBundles folder.

 STEP 6 : Almost done now launch PwnageTool from the Pwnage folder on your desktop and the application will detect your new firmware bundle.

Unlock 3gs/3g 4.1 BB 06.15 Complete Guide (without wifi or with wifi)


1. 4.1 firmware.
2. Redsn0w 0.9.6b5
3. Unlock 06.15 W/O wifi.

Easy Steps :

1. Open Redsn0w 0.9.6b5.
2. Browsing & select 4.1 firmware
3. The new message box will pop up so click YES
4. Click next
6. Again new message box will pop up so click YES
7. Click next
8. Follow introduction for DFU
9. Jailbreak Done !
10.( w/o wifi method) Extract Unlock 06.15 W/O wifi and open Unlock.bat
11. Reboot Device
12. Unlock Done !

With Wifi U can install ultrasn0w from ( source. For Some country repo666 link blocked Can't add this source So you can add ( & install Ultrasn0w.

Unlock Done .
Other method for unlock without Wifi
1. 4.1 firmware.
2. Redsn0w 0.9.6b5

Easy Steps :

1. Open Redsn0w 0.9.6b5.
2. Browsing & select 4.1 firmware
3. The new message box will pop up so click YES
4. Click next
6. Again new message box will pop up so click YES
7. Click next
8. Follow introduction for DFU
9. Jailbreak Done !

1. Files for iphone AutoInstall folder from here


b: unlock without

2. now go through explorer and create a folder named ""AutoInstall"" in your iphone..


and put these 2 files in your "AutoInstall" Folder
3. now restart 2 times....


HOW TO: Update / Unlock iPhone 3GS / 3G Baseband 06.15.00 with Redsn0w 0.9.6b5 on iOS 4.2.1 / 4.1 [Windows & Mac]

The new redsn0w 0.9.6beta5 is out. It gives both Windows and OSX users the ability to flash the iPad 06.15 baseband on iPhone3G or iPhone3GS. It fetches the baseband files directly from Apple for now (the only IPSW you ever point it at is the stock IPSW for the FW on your iPhone right now). There may be a long delay while it’s doing this (their servers are currently getting pounded).

  1. There is no way to come back down from 06.15, and there’s no hiding the baseband version from Apple. You’ll be voiding your warranty in a very obvious way.
  2. If some future baseband comes out with a critical fix, you won’t be able to update to it if it remains down in the 05.xx sequence (then again, you wouldn’t update to it if you wanted to keep your unlock anyway).
  3. Starting with FW 4.2.1 if you have 06.15 on your iPhone you won’t ever be able to restore to stock firmware (it will fail).  You’ll need to only restore to custom IPSWs (then again, if you’re unlocker you should already be doing that).
Unlockers have been reporting mixed results about GPS functionality at 06.15.00

Update #5: Unlockers have been reporting mixed results about GPS functionality at 06.15.00. Until we can track down what differentiates those who retain GPS vs. those who lose it, be conservative and assume you’ll lose GPS at 06.15.00. As we work on finding the cause (and possibly a fix), please report your personal findings in our comments section. (Update: early indications are that while 06.15.00 is capable of GPS, it will require some further hacks. But please still be conservative and assume you will lose GPS at 06.15, in case the hacks don’t work).

Originally Posted by voda66
guys its a good guide, but please dont update to 4.2.1 as it is tethered, you can still jb and unlock using 4.1 untethered, with the following simple tutorial

easy solution, if you are on 4.1 just download 4.1ipsw
1 :run redsnow select 4.1 ipsw wait for load up
2: tick install cydia and install ipad baseband
3: click next and wait for finish
4: run cydia and intall ultrasnow for unlock

tested on 5 handsets 3g/3gs working fine
Temporary Fix Battery Drain & iPhone overheat After Installing Ultrasn0w On Baseband 6.15.0
If you are experiencing battery drain after installing ultrasn0w on baseband 6.15, here is a note from sherif hashim on the issue:

On a very important side note, before anyone starts to complain about battery drainage issues after installing the new ultrasn0w on the 6.15.00 updated BB, the culprit here is not ultrasn0w, it’s the hacktivation process (activating the phone by pwnage tool or redsn0w rather than using an official carrier sim to do so) that u mostly did while jailbreaking.

The 4.1 and 4.2.1 ipsws unlike their old ancestors, seem to keep looking for valid push certificates all the time, either thru your wifi, or thru your cellular data network (which u only have after installing ultrasn0w and hence u accuse it) , this can be seen clearly if u have a cellular working data plan for 3g or edge and you watched the settings > general > usage > cellular network data (sent & received are continuously increasing even without using any internet traffics on the phone) , this will also render the phone going hot even in stand by mode and also very rapid battery drainage occurs plus consuming ur data if you were not on an unlimited plan.

So to resolve this, you either:
A) try to activate the phone using the official sim if u have it (even if the sim itself is old and not working) , or borrow it from a friend if it’s possible, by any means, try to have an access to one and use it

B) if A is not feasible, u can install SBsettings from featured cydia packages and turn wifi and data off when u r not using it (shuts down both 3g and edge) , till C is done

C) there is a very nice module being worked on by a trusted jailbreak app dev, namely @sbingner, which will resolve that issue for those having it, the details of which shouldn’t be disclosed until he finishes his awesome work, till then, either use A or B to resolve the issue if it exists for you
sorry for the long post and thanks for your attention


For whom is this Guide:This version of redsn0w 0.9.6b5 is developed ONLY for iPhone 3GS and 3G users who rely on unlock. Precisely,  This guide showing how to jailbreak and update baseband to 06.15.00 for ONLY iPhone 3GS and 3G who have unlocked devices.

Unsupported devices, what have to do:
iPhone 4 and 3GS users who don't rely on unlock, you can follow the same guide but with redsn0w 0.9.6b4 to jailbreak their devices on iOS 4.2.1, see guide Posted Here.

Here's the step by step guide:

STEP 1: Download redsn0w 0.9.6b5, 

STEP 2: Update to 4.2.1 firmware using the IPSW file you just downloaded via iTunes 10.1.

STEP 3: Launch Redsn0w 0.9.6b5,  and browse for iOS 4.2.1 firmware final version.
STEP 4: Now you have to select "Install Cydia" and "Install iPad baseband", and then click "Next" (in this step redsn0w will update your baseband to 06.15.00 which works with ultrasn0w 1.2)
STEP 5: Now make sure your device is both OFF and PLUGGED IN to the computer before you click “Next”.
STEP 6: At this stage you will need to put your iPhone in DFU mode by holding “Power” button and then while holding the “Power” button, you will now have to hold “Home” button too. Now after few seconds release “Power” button but keep holding “Home” button until installation begins.
STEP 7: You will Get a Jailbroken Device on the latest iOS 4.2.1  and the unlockable baseband 06.15.00

STEP 8: This step is only for these devices iPhone 4, 3GS (New Bootrom), iPod touch 4G,  3G, 2G, iPad. While this is tethered jailbreak and whenever you want to do anything related to jailbreak like SSH your device, or running Cydia, you must first run your device in the so called “jailbroken state” on every reboot by using “Just boot tethered right now” option.

3Gs stuck after Redsnow here is solution.

3Gs stuck after Redsnow in aple logo. first step-put iphone in dfu with redsnow and after that restore with itunes iPhone, with os 4.1 via itunes and jailbreak with redsnow os 4.2.1 then your iphone version become 4.1 and baseband 6.15.00 after cydia source add when done install reboot your iphone all done now your iphone is unlocked , do not forget to check on INSTALL CYDIA good luckand INSTALL IPAD BASEBAND in Redsn0w 0.9.6b5 good luck

by tsm2318

How to: Unlock iPhone 3GS / 3G on iOS 4.2.1:

STEP 9: Once you jailbreak yoour device, you can now unlock your iPhone on baseband 06.15.00 using Ultrasn0w 1.2 from Cydia. To do so, follow the steps below:

  • Press to launch Cydia Installer from your SpringBoard.
  • Press to select the Manage tab at the bottom of the screen.
  • Press to select the Sources button
Click here to enlarge

  • Now touch on Edit and then on Add. You will be prompted to enter the URL of the source. Type and touch on Add Source to add this repository.
Click here to enlarge

  • Once the source has been added press the large Return to Cydia button then select the Done button at the top right of the screen.
  • Now select from the sources list and at last select ultrasn0w from the list of packages as shown below then install this application.
Click here to enlarge

STEP 10: Almost done, now simply reboot your iPhone and you should have a fully unlocked iPhone 3GS on iOS 4.1 or iOS 4.2.1.
Click here to enlarge

Download iOS 4.2.1 for iPhone, iPod touch and iPad
Download Redsn0w 0.9.6b5 for Windows
Download Redsn0w 0.9.6b5 for Mac
Download iTunes 10.1 for Windows or Mac


Links for New Ultrasn0w 1.2 to Unlock for iPhone 3GS / 3G on iOS 4.2.1

Official Bittorrent ReleasesPwnageTool 4.1.3  - PwnageTool_4.1.3_Unlock_Edition.dmg.5994102.TPB.torrent
SHA1 Sum = adda6d882dce1b5117d01586037de289407e038a

Unofficial MirrorsThe following links are unofficial download mirrors, you download these archives at your own risk, we accept no responsibility if your computer explodes or if it becomes part of a NASA attacking botnet or even worse if your hands fall off mid-way during the use of these files. We do not check these links and we accept no responsibility with regard to the validity of the files, the other content that these links may provide or with the content that is on the third-party linked site.


Video instructions for the above tutorial is embedded below:
Disclaimer: This guide is for testing & educational purposes only. I’m not responsible for any loss of important data or malfunctioning of your iPhone.

Minggu, 28 November 2010

IT IS HERE - - New Ultrasn0w 1.2 to Unlock for iPhone 3GS / 3G on iOS 4.2.1

First:The iPhone 3GS, 3G should be first jailbroken and upgraded 06.15.00 to use ultrasn0w unlock

HOW TO: Update iPhone 3GS / 3G Baseband to 06.15.00 and Unlock it

Unlocking requires that your iPhone is jailbroken. Follow the complete guide posted here to jailbreak your iPhone 3G / 3GS on iOS 4.2.1 (tethered) and iOS 4.1 (untethered) using Redsn0w or download PwnageTool from link given above and use it in Unlock edition to update the baseband to 06.15.00.

Just a couple of hours back, the iPhone Dev Team has updated their carrier unlock tool which brings unlock for iPhone 3GS & 3G on iOS 4.1 or iOS 4.2.1 but unfortunately, you have to update your device's baseband to 06.15.00 to be able to unlock it.

Simply follow the steps below to jailbreak and unlock your iPhone 3G on iOS 4.2.1 using PwnageTool 4.1.3 for Mac OS X.

STEP 1: Download PwnageTool 4.1.3 unlock edition from here.

STEP 2: Download iOS 4.2.1 for your device and also catch iOS 3.2.2 from here before it's removed (required to update the baseband). Then copy all the files to your desktop.

STEP 3: Now launch PwnageTool and select iPhone 3GS / 3G and point it to the original iOS 4.2.1 firmware you downloaded.

STEP 4: You'll now be asked if you want to update your baseband to the 06.15 version. If you are on 05.14 or 05.15 or higher you will need to do this to unlock. You do not need to do this for jailbreak only. Click on YES and then select Browse for IPSW and point it to iOS 3.2.2 you downloaded.
STEP 5: You'll have to choose some options as installing Cydia packages, custom logos and packages. Finally, hit the blue the build button.
STEP 6: You'll be asked to save the cooked firmware. Please allow up to 10 minutes.
STEP 7: When prompted if your iPhone has been Pwned before, we clicked No. It allows for a more thorough restore. Once done, follow the instructions seen on the screen to enter into DFU mode
STEP 8: Now, You will have to restore your iPhone to the jailbroken custom firmware by Clicking on the iPhone icon on the left sidebar of iTunes then hold left “alt” button (“Shift” button on Windows) on the keyboard and then click on “Restore” then release the alt button, Now Select the custom firmware created by PwnageTool and Let iTunes go in a bunch of steps.

How to: Unlock iPhone 3GS / 3G on iOS 4.2.1:

Once you jailbreak yoour device, you can now unlock your iPhone on baseband 06.15.00 using Ultrasn0w 1.2 from Cydia. To do so, follow the steps below:
  • Press to launch Cydia Installer from your SpringBoard.
  • Press to select the Manage tab at the bottom of the screen.
  • Press to select the Sources button

  • Now touch on Edit and then on Add. You will be prompted to enter the URL of the source. Type and touch on Add Source to add this repository. 

  • Once the source has been added press the large Return to Cydia button then select the Done button at the top right of the screen.
  • Now select from the sources list and at last select ultrasn0w from the list of packages as shown below then install this application.

STEP 10: Almost done, now simply reboot your iPhone and you should have a fully unlocked iPhone 3GS on iOS 4.1 or iOS 4.2.1.

Unfortunately, iPhone 4 unlockers have to wait a bit longer before they can use their device on any carrier they like but at least they had promised to start working on that starting from tomorrow.


Today we’re pleased to announce our free carrier unlock for iPhone3G/3GS owners with a baseband later than 05.13.04.  The unlock for that baseband exploited the AT+XAPP command, thanks to a crash initially discovered by @sherif_hashim (@Oranav also found this crash).  So what hole are we exploiting today, since Apple closed that AT+XAPP hole?  Well, we’re exploiting the exact same hole!

It turns out that the very first iPad firmware 3.2.2 has baseband version 06.15.00 still vulnerable to AT+XAPP. The iPad baseband is built for the exact same baseband chip as the iPhone3G/3GS — they’re fully compatible!  Some of us have been running 06.15 for weeks now on our iPhones in preparation for this release.

Since 06.15 is a higher version than 05.14 or 05.15 (where AT+XAPP is gone), anyone stuck at those versions can simply upgrade to 06.15 to unlock again!  Luckily for us, Apple *still* provides the iPad FW 3.2.2 with this vulnerable baseband right from their own servers. (Grab it now, before they take it down!)
We’ve been busy updating both PwnageTool and redsn0w to make the baseband update as seamless as possible.
  1. First up is “PwnageTool 4.1.3 Unlock Edition”.  It has a special dialog box which will ask you if you want to update to the iPad baseband.  You must already have the iPad 3.2.2 IPSW on your computer (see the above link)….so just point PwnageTool at it (or let it find it on its own if you’re in “simple” mode).
  2. Directly after PwnageTool 4.1.3 is available, the official ultrasn0w repo will be updated with ultrasn0w 1.2, which covers iPhone 4 baseband 01.59.00 and iPhone 3G/3GS basebands 04.26.08, 05.11.07, 05.12.01, 05.13.04 and now 06.15.00.
  3. Finally, we’ll release an update to redsn0w today for those without Macs and can’t run PwnageTool.  The new redsn0w will give you the option to update your baseband to 06.15 too.
  1. There is no way to come back down from 06.15, and there’s no hiding the baseband version from Apple.  You’ll be voiding your warranty in a very obvious way.
  2. If some future baseband comes out with a critical fix, you won’t be able to update to it if it remains down in the 05.xx sequence (then again, you wouldn’t update to it if you wanted to keep your unlock anyway).
  3. Starting with FW 4.2.1 if you have 06.15 on your iPhone you won’t ever be able to restore to stock firmware (it will fail).  You’ll need to only restore to custom IPSWs (then again, if you’re unlocker you should already be doing that).
Certainly don’t update to 06.15 if you don’t need to!  Only do this if you need the unlock and you’re stuck on 05.14 or 05.15, and you’re willing to assume the above risks.

This PwnageTool also contains a 4.2.1 bundle for iPhone3G owners…for all else, it’s still only 4.1.  If you have an iPhone3GS with an old bootrom, the new redsn0w will handle 4.2.1 for you (in fact it covers 4.2.1 for all devices, even though some of them are still tethered at 4.2.1 until @comex can work some untethering magic).  iPhone3GS users with old bootroms who want to go to 4.2.1 should not use this PwnageTool!  

Update to stock 4.2.1 first, then use the upcoming redsn0w to update your baseband.
Please feel free to use our comments section for questions.  We have some very knowledgeable and helpful moderators:  angiepangie, Confucious, dhlizard, and Frank55!

Official Bittorrent Releases
PwnageTool 4.1.3  - PwnageTool_4.1.3_Unlock_Edition.dmg.5994102.TPB.torrent
SHA1 Sum = adda6d882dce1b5117d01586037de289407e038a

Unofficial Mirrors
The following links are unofficial download mirrors, you download these archives at your own risk, we accept no responsibility if your computer explodes or if it becomes part of a NASA attacking botnet or even worse if your hands fall off mid-way during the use of these files. We do not check these links and we accept no responsibility with regard to the validity of the files, the other content that these links may provide or with the content that is on the third-party linked site.

Always check the files that you have downloaded against our published SHA1 hash.
We would prefer that you downloaded the official bittorrent release that is linked above, but you are welcome to try these if you really must.

Mirror owners should email direct dmg download links only (no rapidshare type sites please) to — please don’t place mirrors in the comments as they will be deleted.



Update #1:  There’s an error in the bundle for the iPhone3GS 4.1 that prevents the new baseband from being used.  If you know your way around OSX, please download the fixed bundle, and unzip it if Safari hasn’t already done so.  Then “Show Package Contents” of, navigate to Contents->Resources->FirmwareBundles and drop it there.   Otherwise, please wait for the updated PwnageTool, or the OSX version of redsn0w coming soon.

The iPhone 4 users have to wait as the team will be working on unlock for iPhone 4 as Sherif Hashim (hacker) has already found an crash for iPhone 4 baseband 02.10.04 unlock.

Sabtu, 27 November 2010

Unlock iPhone 4 Baseband 02.10.04 Seems Imminent

In case you are living under rocks, you may don't know that Ultrasn0w carrier unlock will be updated tomorrow (this Sunday) to provide a full unlock for iPhone 3GS / 3G on baseband 05.15.04 and lower ones. Anyway, iPhone 4 unlockers will have to wait a bit longer but we have good news for you too.

iPhone hacker Sherif Hashim is doing a great progress in unlocking iPhone 4 baseband 02.10.04 on iOS 4.2.1 / iOS 4.1 since he, according to this tweet, has provided very nice crashes for iPhone 4 baseband, also the iPhone Dev Team will start exploring more starting from this Monday.
Click here to enlarge
Faiz: @MuscleNerd btw @sherif_hashim was working on i4 since long ? Did he not find anything interesting.

MuscleNerd: @mfaizulislam just the opposite Click here to enlarge @sherif_hashim has provided very nice crashes for i4 BB, which we can explore more starting Monday Click here to enlarge
This news gives some hope to iPhone 4 users who stuck on iOS 4.2.1 or iOS 4.1 with upgraded baseband as BB 02.10.04 or BB 03.10.01. More updates as they come! Stay tuned !Click here to enlarge

Ultrasn0w to Unlock iPhone 3GS / 3G on iOS 4.2.1 Completed

Few moments ago, Musclenerd has confirmed that the ultrasn0w to unlock iPhone 3GS and iPhone 3G finally got working fully on 4.2.1, so it looks that everything over there going alright, everything on schedule, which means that we will catch new version of ultrasn0w tomorrow as we mentioned before.

Click here to enlarge
Musclenerd: Finally got ultrasn0w working fully on 4.2.1. Apple inadvertently(!) broke ultrasn0w via aggressive compiler optimization
Till know there's no news about iPhone 4 baseband unlock. For now we let you know immediately after the release of the new ultrasn0w, stay tuned.Click here to enlarge

Jumat, 26 November 2010

Download AirPrint Activator for Windows

We all enjoyed iOS 4.2.1 on our iOS devices: it brings multitasking for iPad, folder, AirPlay (sort of) and wirelessly iOS printing which is called AirPrint. But AirPrint is currently on Mac OS X only and works with some HP-printers. Mac users can use Printopia to enable AirPrint for non-compatible printers. Windows users can do the same now!

For Windows users who want AirPrint to work with their computer there is a new tool works on both 32-bit and 64-bit Windows called ‘AirPrint Activator.’

Click here to enlarge

After downloading the tool from the link below, install and activate AirPrint for Windows. Then you have to have the printer in System Preferences (printer properties) to share. Already, all printers under Windows 32-bit or Windows 64-bit for iOS 4.2.1 and AirPrint available. Please note that AirPrint.exe must be enabled in Windows Firewall. [via 9to5mac]

Download AirPrint Activator for WindowsClick here to enlarge

Digitimes: iPad 2 Will Have USB, FaceTime, New Display

Apple will add 5 new features to the iPad 2: video phone, better mobility, USB port, new display technology and 3-axis gyroscopes.
 and now a Digitimes is reporting what to
FaceTime’s a given, of course. “Better mobility” probably just means a thinner design, which might be a touch trick, given the addition of at least one camera: it could also mean that a 7-inch model is forthcoming, but given how dismissive Steve Jobs was of the form factor, I don’t consider that likely.
The 3-Axis gyroscope is a pretty obvious new addition, given its presence in the iPhone 4. I don’t think a USB port is likely at all. As for a new display, I’m skeptical that Apple can afford a 9.7 inch retina display at the iPad’s current price, but perhaps we’ll be surprised.
 For More Information Visit digitimes And computerworld

Kamis, 25 November 2010

Windows Phone 7 unlocker released !!!

Ten years ago the idea of rooting or jailbreaking a phone was nonexistent. Today, if you truly want to harness the entire power of your mobile device; it's an evil, but required step. The newest platform from Microsoft has now been unlocked

and the ability to sideload apps is now possible.
According to the ChevronWP7 blog, WP7 has been unlocked and the operating system is now exposed to the homebrew community.
Today we have an exciting breakthrough for the Windows Phone 7 homebrew community - the ability for anyone to unlock a WP7 device without a Marketplace developer account. Unlocking allows the sideloading of experimental applications that would otherwise can’t be published to the Marketplace, such as those which access private or native APIs.
The ability to unlock an OS is a crucial step for any platform. Despite the circumvention, the jailbreaking community can be credited with helping to propel the iPhone into the mainstream by allowing new features and programs to the platform long before Apple made them available.
As with any platform unlocking, you are are cautioned to do so at your own risk. There is always a risk of bricking your device that may void your warranty.

Windows Phone 7 unlocker released

Today we have an exciting breakthrough for the Windows Phone 7 homebrew community - the ability for anyone to unlock a WP7 device without a Marketplace developer account.
Unlocking allows the sideloading of experimental applications that would otherwise can’t be published to the Marketplace, such as those which access private or native APIs.
We’ve taken the pain out of the process involved and put together a super simple executable that will allow anyone to unlock any WP7 device on the market using a USB cable and just a couple clicks.
This tool is completely safe and reversible for the phone. (The app even allows you to relock the phone.)
v1.0 download mirrors:
  • If you’re encountering a connection error (you don’t have the Windows Phone SDK installed), try download/install the following registry key and restart your machine then try again
  • Minimum supported OS: Windows XP SP2
  • Please ensure your device has a “full sync” relationship with the Zune client, not a “guest” relationship
As this is our first release, you may run into issues. Please let us know in the comments if this tool worked/didn’t work for you (with relevant system information).
Expect more goodies/tools to be released in the near future.
We look forward to what the broader community can do with this.

Happy Thanksgiving - Nov 25 - 2010

How To Enable iOS 4.2 AirPrint On Windows

You should be aware that AirPrint, the wireless printing technology that has been introduced with the latest version of iOS, was originally intended to work over shared printers connected to Mac and Windows as well.

However, this functionality was scrapped in the public release. Consequently, AirPrint on iOS 4.2.1 only works over certain models of HP printers

Nevertheless, if your workspace contains only a shared printer, the step-by-step instructions provided below will help you  to re-enable AirPrint on Windows 7: 

Step 1: You will need the latest version of iTunes on your Windows system. If you do not have it installed yet, download iTunes 10.1 before you proceed.
Step 2: Click here to download the AirPrint files. Extract the zipped version to a folder named 'AirPrint' on your desktop. This folder will contain three files - airprint.exe, libairprint.dll and Xpdfprint.dll
Step 3: If you are on a 32-bit computer, move this folder from the desktop to "C:\Program Files\". Users on a 64-bit computer will have to instead move the folder to "C:\Program Files(x86)\"
Step 4: From the desktop screen, go to Start -> Run and type CMD. Press the return key to continue
Step 5: Enter the following commands in the command window that appears. Please Note : Enter the commands as-is. Remember to insert a space after the '=' symbol
32-bit Windows
  • sc.exe create AirPrint binPath= “C:\Program Files\AirPrint\airprint.exe -s” depend= “Bonjour Service” start= auto
  • sc.exe start AirPrint
64-bit Windows
  • sc.exe create AirPrint binPath= “C:\Program Files (x86)\AirPrint\airprint.exe -s” depend= “Bonjour Service” start= auto
  • sc.exe start AirPrint
Step 6: The airprint.exe application will now be launched. If you are prompted by the Windows Firewall, choose to 'Unblock' the application
Step 7: Configure the printer settings so that it is set to the Shared mode on both the printer settings as well as on the network settings
Step 8: You will be prompted for the Admin user ID and password the first time you launch AirPrint from your iDevice. Enter the credentials to enable wireless printing. 
You are done. You should be able to print from your iPhone, iPad or iPad Touch via AirPrint to any printer connected to your Windows PC. Please let us know how the process goes in the comments below.

iOS 4.2.1 Compatible Cydia Apps

Everybody’s loving iOS 4.2 for iPad: it brought multitasking to the tablet, folders, AirPlay (sort of) and, ehm, AirPrint. We have already talked about this. As more users upgrade to the new iOS every day and jailbreak it using the latest version of Redsn0w, they need really a list of compatible Cydia apps and tweaks.

MuscleNerd of the iPhone Dev Team has published a spreadsheet on Google Doc showing the compatible Cydia apps, you can navigate to this link to check the list of apps & tweaks in Cydia compatible with iOS 4.2.1. If the color is green that means it works with no problems, if it's yellow it means that it have some problems. Any you know, red ones are unusable and not working. The list should be upgraded consequently when an app gets iOS 4.2.1 compatibility.

FaceIt 3Gs: Tweak To Enable FaceTime On The iPhone 3GS Was Updated For iOS 4.2.1

Faceit3G enable Facetime on iPhone 3GS, the big surprise is that the app has been updated to work with iOS 4.2.1 most of you don't have iPhoneIslam’s repo installed, so first you need to install it by searching Cydia for "iPhone islam" or add it manually form here now all what you have to do is to install the tweak and attach a mirror on your iPhone 3GS for a semi-full FaceTime experience.

FaceIT 3GS from iPhoneIslam on Vimeo.

ÜberTwitter for iPhone Now Available for Download

ÜberTwitter is the best twitter client out there for Blackberry users but for iPhone, it may be Osforaa or SimplyTweet. Anyway, the developers of ÜberTwitter have released an iPhone version of their app.
- Tweet a picture
- Add a location to your tweet
- Read and unread tweet colors
- Save a draft of a tweet
- Import your lists
- Change your avatar
- Edit your profile
- Direct message
- Search Twitter
This Twitter client doesn't differ a lot from other clients but it have something really special. By turning your iPhone into landscape mode, two column view appears, simulating the Twitter iPad app. In this two column view, tapping on tweets with links or images will have them load quickly in the right-handed column. This is a cool feature and works great most of the time.

So, you can get ÜberTwitter for free from the app store or by hitting the direct link below.

Download ÜberTwitter for iPhone [iTunes link]

CONFIRMED: Unlock for iPhone 3GS & 3G on iOS 4.2.1 to Drop this Sunday !

MuscleNerd of the iPhone Dev Team has just tweeted that Ultrasn0w unlock is on it’s way and you’ll be free at last. The unlock for iPhone 3G and iPhone 3GS on baseband 05.14.02 (iOS 4.1) and baseband 05.15.04 (iOS 4.2.1) will be released this Sunday.

Good progress today…everything is on track for updated ultrasn0w by Sunday/Funday at the latest (longer for iPhone4!)
MuscleNerd has wished a happy Thanksgiving today for everyone and told people not to wait for unlock today because they celebrate with their families too! Apparently, the latest Ultrasn0w update will work with iPhone 3G and 3GS and it may take a bit longer to release iPhone 4 integration. Anyway, stay tuned as we'l post immediately whenever the tool is updated and available.

Rabu, 24 November 2010

Video Guide on How to Jailbreak iOS 4.2.1 on iPhone, iPad, iPod touch Using Redsn0w

This is just to let you all know that we have now updated our previous article about iOS 4.2.1 jailbreak using Redsn0w with a complete step by step video guide. You can follow the well explained instructions in the video to jailbreak iPhone 4, 3GS, 3G, iPad and iPod touch 4G / 3G / 2G using the newly released Redsn0w 0.9.6b4.

Rules of the game are same:
Redsn0w 0.9.6b4 is based on Geohot’s Limera1n bootrom exploit which has already pwned all current iOS devices for life. The only problem is that it is a tethered jailbreak, which means you will have to boot it into a “jailbroken state” on every reboot. This so called tethered or semi-tethered jailbreak condition in Redsn0w 0.9.6b4 however only applies to the new devices like: iPhone 3GS (new bootrom), iPhone 4, iPad, iPod touch 2G (MC Model), iPod touch 3G and the iPod touch 4G. Old devices like iPhone 3GS (old bootrom), iPhone 3G and iPod touch 2G (Non-MC Model) can be jailbroken-untethered right now using this latest version of Redsn0w. So until and unless Comex of Spirit and JailbreakMe fame comes up with another untethered hack for iOS 4.2.1, the jailbreak we get for the newer devices will be tethered (or semi-tethered).
Follow the steps as shown in the video embedded below to jailbreak your iOS device on the latest 4.2.1 firmware.

Written instructions can be found here.
Download iOS 4.2.1 for iPhone 4, 3GS, 3G, iPad, iPod touch
Download Redsn0w 0.9.6b4 for Windows
Download Redsn0w 0.9.6b4 for Mac
Download iTunes 10.1 for Windows or Mac

NoMute for iPad Brings Back Orientation Lock from iOS 3.2 for iOS 4.2.1 [Jailbreak App]

Apple has made a small hardware change in the newly released iOS 4.2.1 making the mute switch button used as a full-on mute switch to mute system sounds and notifications. However, some users are complaining about this change and wants to get the orientation lock back.

So, do you want the Orientation button back on your iPad? Check out NoMute for iPad under BigBoss repository in Cydia for free. To enjoy this tweak, you have to jailbreak your iOS 4.2.1 device using the latest version of Redsn0w by following the guide posted here. Once your device is jailbroken, tap on Cydia and search for NoMute for iPad under BigBoss repository .